Major upgrades planned for everything from schools and sporting facilities to transport and community hubs are enhancing the region’s appeal, offering a dynamic and well-connected environment for residents of all ages.

The outer east is on the cusp of a transportation revolution, with multi-billion-dollar projects underway to slash travel times and improve connectivity.

Work continues at pace to eliminate dangerous level crossings and build two new stations on the Lilydale line. By 2025, the entire line will be free of level crossings, offering residents a safer and faster journey. Ringwood East will boast a new station with a 460-space carpark, while Croydon will gain a state-of-the-art transport hub featuring an elevated station, streamlined bus interchange and a rail bridge connecting key retail areas.

Meanwhile, the wheels are in motion on the ambitious $50 billion Suburban Rail Loop East, connecting the outer east to Melbourne Airport by 2053. By 2028, the North East Link will divert more than 15,000 trucks from local roads and slash travel times by up to 35 minutes, paving the way for a smoother commute.